ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code


Goal of TAR.2 (Tariff Changes)

The objective of TAR.2 is to consider the evolution of capacity-based and commodity-based tariffs between the tariff period before the prevailing tariff period and the prevailing tariff period for each TSO. TAR.2 covers capacity and/or commodity charges used at each point by a TSO (ca- veats apply for the use of this indicator for commodity charges, cf. assumptions be- low). The intention of this indicator is to measure if the TAR NC implies any significant consequence regarding tariff variability at CAM and non-CAM points. Therefore, indicator TAR.2 is mainly relevant once the TAR NC is fully applicable, with all its provisions applicable as from 31 May 2019. However, the consideration of this indicator in 2017 is the ‘baseline’ to which the future evolution of tariff variability could be compared in future EM reports.

Assumptions for TAR.2 (Tariff Changes)

Relevant points

For data collection purposes, TSOs could expressly distinguish between CAM-relevant and non-CAM-relevant points. In practice, such distinction was not made

by TSOs. TAR.2 shall cover at least standard firm yearly capacity products. Evolutions in the definition of points may limit comparability (e. g. before/after the creation of a VIP). Only tariffs for points relevant for Transmission Services (TS) as per the TAR NC should be covered by TAR.2. Typical points to consider generally include IPs, storage connection points, DSO connection points, LNG connection points and production connection points.

Currency conversion to euro

TSOs for which a currency other than the euro applies shall convert tariffs in euros (EUR). The exchange rates valid at 1 October 2017 and provided by the European Central Bank were used as references (e. g., for Bulgaria 1EUR = 1.9558BGN).

Relevant capacity products and units

TAR.2 only covers the standard firm yearly tariffs applicable at each point of their network. Tariffs will be indicated for example in EUR/(MWh/day) for capacity tariffs and in EUR/MWh for commodity tariffs. TSOs may refer to other units such as EUR/ (kWh/h) if such units apply to their tariffs, but they should convert tariffs in EUR in any case  17) . TSOs should make sure that the comparison of tariff periods is run for the same units, for consistency purposes.

 17) TSOs were in charge of currency conversions and ENTSOG checked data provided by TSOs.

TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 49

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