ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code

4.1 Introduction and Purpose

Monitoring the effect of the TARNC as early as 2017 is necessary to provide a baseline for effect monitoring comparison in future years. The effect of the TARNC should be compared to the baseline situation assessed in 2017, especially because the implementation of TAR NC Articles is staged during several years. The data was collected by means of a survey. Indicators used for the present effect monitoring (EM) report (hereafter ‘EM report 2017’) could be adapted in future EM reports, especially regarding the availability of data. The following results are presented only for TSOs who replied for the EM report 2017: \\ 9 TSOs from 8MSs for indicator TAR.1 on the level and variability of the under (–)/over (+) recovery, or ‘under-/over-recovery’. \\ 26 TSOs from 22MSs for indicator TAR.2 on tariff changes at CAM and non- CAM points after new Reference Price Methodology (RPM) implementation (31 May 2019), or ‘tariff changes’. \\ 23TSOs from 20MSs for indicator TAR.3 on the evolution of short-term and long-term bookings after TSO implementation, or ‘bookings’. \\ 45 TSOs from 24MSs for indicator TAR.4 on the publication of information in English, or ‘publication in English’. \\ 41 TSOs from 23MSs for indicator TAR.5 on multipliers applied by TSOs, or ‘multipliers’.

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