ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code



TSOs were asked if they are facing, or have faced, any key challenges with the implementation of the TARNC. If they answered yes, they were asked to provide a brief description and identify the solutions used when dealing with these challenges, if any.


Is the TSO facing, or has it faced, any key challenges with the implementation of the TAR NC?


Yes, 12 (from 5 MSs) No, 32 (from 20 MSs)


Figure 28: Key challenges facing the TSOs with the implementation of TAR NC

Æ A quarter of TSOs answered that they are facing some key challenges. For five TSOs, even though the NRA has responsibility for the consultation process in this country, providing all documents for consultation was highlighted as an issue. The same TSOs also identified the application of CWD in multi-TSO entry-exit zone as a key challenge, highlighting good cooperation between TSOs as an important step when dealing with this. Similarly, a TSO from another MS identified difficulties implementing the TARNC for an entry-exit zone covering more than one MS, this TSO is still working on a solution. One TSO is encountering difficulties in determining the parameters for the CWD reference price methodology considering the complexity of their national transmission system. The solution they have identified is the simplification of the national transmission system by grouping entry and exit points and by identifying the dominant point related to each group of points. The classification of transmission and non-transmission services has also been identified as an issue by a TSO. For two interconnector operators implementing certain provisions of the TARNC are a challenge, hence they are, or will, seek derogations from Articles or parts of Articles Æ The majority of TSOs answered that they have not faced any key challenges with the implementation of the TARNC as of December 2017.

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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017

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