ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code


Start of Consultation Process

Of the TSOs with responsibility for the consultation process, three will start the process or preliminary work at the start of 2018. Half have started preparing for the consultation process, which mainly involves preliminary discussion with their NRA, preparing and defining the ‘final’ consultation document, and initial dialogue with the market. For one TSO with responsibility for the consultation process, it will depend on a derogation application that will determine the final scope of the applicable TARNC provisions that will be covered in consultation.


‘Intermediate’ Consultation

Two TSOs with responsibility for consultation have used ‘intermediate’ consultations. These ‘intermediate’ consultations were used by one TSO to discuss the TAR NC implementation process through ‘Shipper Taskforce’ meetings. The second TSO used a series of ‘intermediate’ consultations with stakeholders to discuss a modification proposal to amend their ‘Gas Transmission Charging’ regime to deliver compliance with the TAR NC. Both published their ‘intermediate’ consultations in English. For one TSO, the use of ‘intermediate’ consultations will depend on a derogation application that will determine the scope of the applicable TAR NC provisions that will be covered in consultation.


‘Final’ Consultation

For 32 TSOs, it is the NRA who will carry out the ‘final’ consultation, however, the TSOs still have responsibilities in the process. They will have to provide the NRA with any documents or general information the NRA requests and some TSOs will participate in dedicated meetings related to the development of the consultation. Some TSOs will provide input to the consultation by providing implementation proposals, provide their position on topics the NRA is consulting on and carry out analysis, for example on the CWD, as is the case for two TSOs. For eight TSOs it has been decided that they will have responsibility for carrying out the ‘final’ consulta- tion. For four TSOs a decision on responsibility has still to be made. For a provisional timeline for the ‘final’ consultations and responsibility per MS, please see Annex C.


ACER’s Consultation Template

Of the TSOs who are responsible for the ‘final’ consultation, half have decided to use ACER’s consultation template  5) . Two have not decided whether to use the template or not, although one indicated that they most likely will. The use of ACERs template will depend on the outcome of a decision on a derogation application and what it will then consult on, for one TSO. A TSO, who will use their national standard template instead of ACERs, will include ACER’s template as an appendix in the national template. One TSO stated that they will use ACER’s consultation template if the NRA decides that they are responsible for consultation.

 5) http://www.acer.europa.eu/Official_documents/Public_consultations/Pages/ACER-Consultation-Template.-Tariff-NC-Ar- ticle-26(5).aspx

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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017

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