ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code
Additional Information
When publishing information for Article 29 and 30, before the annual yearly capac- ity auctions and before the tariff period respectively, ENTSOG suggests publishing this information in a template, in two sets, to facilitate identifying the publication requirements and the respective cross-reference to the Article, its paragraph and point as set out in the TARNC. Information can be placed directly in the template or a link can be provided to another webpage with the required information. This will allow users to access the information in a clear, easily accessible and user-friendly manner, as set out in Article 31(1). ENTSOG has provided a template in its TARNC Implementation Document (‘IDoc’) 4) as an example for TSOs to use if they choose to do so.
All TSOs (46 TSOs) Where it is the TSO who is responsible for publication, has it made use of the template developed by ENTSOG that standardises the section on the TSO website for the links to all relevant information to be published?
Yes, 27 (from 13 MSs) NRA responsibility, 10 (from 7 MSs) No, 9 (from 6 MSs)
Figure 18: Use of template developed by ENTSOG for standardising the publication format
Æ 27 TSOs are using the template developed by ENTSOG and its members to pub- lish the relevant information for Articles 29 and 30. Æ For 10 TSOs, responsibility for publication is with the NRA. Æ Several TSOs are not, or currently not, using the template, although four of these indicated they will use the template in the future. The remaining TSOs used a similar arrangement or have taken their own approach. For several TSOs that did not use the template, it will be recommended to them to do so as it will make finding the relevant information on their website more user friendly. For a list of links to the Article 29 and 30 information published on the TSO/NRA website and a guide to the information published on ENTSOGs Transparency Platform, please see Annex B.
4) https://www.entsog.eu/public/uploads/files/publications/Tariffs/2017/TAR1000_170928_2nd%20Implementation%20 Document_Low-Res.pd f p. 245
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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017
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