ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code


Overview of the Rule – for One-year January–December Tariff Period

The deadline for publishing the information set out in Article 30 is no later than 30 days before the tariff period. As this monitoring report is for 2017, for this rule the report only covers group A TSOs. This rule will be applicable for the other TSOs in 2018, or in future years for TSOs with a tariff period more than one-year.


Group A (27 TSOs) As per Art. 32(b), has the information to be published before the tariff period been published no later than 30 days before the respective tariff period?



Yes, 22 (from 7 MSs) NRA responsibility, 2 (from 1 MS) No, 3 (from 3 MSs)


Figure 15: Publication notice period, before the new tariff period

Æ For the group A TSOs, 22 have published the required information no later than 30 days before the respective tariff period. However, a small number TSOs were late publishing specific items of information, for example, for two TSOs the flow-based charge was not published on ENTSOG’s Transparency Platform in the standardised table on time. The reason why these TSOs were late publishing specific items of information was due to internal IT issues or waiting on their NRA for decisions with regards to the new tariff period and publishing information. Æ For two TSOs it is the NRA who has responsibility for all publication. Æ For three TSOs that were late or did not publish the required information at all, one could not publish the information until January 2018 as the relevant NRA decision had not been officially published, one informed ENTSOG they will not be able to provide this information before the end of March and one is because of a pending litigation on the approval of new tariffs.

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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017

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