ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code

Overview of the Rule – Format of Publication

All TSOs must publish the required information for Articles 29 and 30 so that it will be: accessible to the public; free of charge; user-friendly; clear, easily accessible and non-discriminatory; downloadable; and all information provided, to the extent possible, in English.


All TSOs (46 TSOs) Has the TSO published the required information in Art. 29 and 30 so that it will be: – accessible to the public; – free of charge; – user-friendly; – clear, easily accessible and non-discriminatory; – downloadable; – all information, to the extent possible, in English?




Yes, 32 (from 15 MSs) NRA responsibility, 10 (from 7 MSs) No, 4 (from 4 MSs)

Figure 9: Publication format

Æ 32 TSOs have published the required information in Article 29 and 30 as set out in Article 31(1). Æ For nearly a quarter of TSOs it is the NRA who has taken responsibility for publication. Even so, these TSOs have published the reserve prices and most have published the Article 30 information or provided a link to their NRAs website where this information can be found. They have done this as set out in Article 31(1). Æ Some TSOs have not published the required information as set out in Article 31(1). For two TSOs this is due to a, or pending, derogation application which includes parts of Article 30. One TSO has not published all the required information in Article 29 and 30 due to an ongoing litigation on the new tariffs for 2018. 2017 tariffs will remain valid until the litigation is resolved and the TSO has published as much as it can in the circumstances. One TSO has not published Article 29 information as it does not have an IP, and although they have published the Article 30 information, it has not been published in English, which they are working to change in the near future.

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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017

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