ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code


Overview of the Rule – Publishing Article 30 Information on the TSOs Website All TSOs must publish all applicable information listed in Article 30 before their new tariff period, on the TSOs website. However, for this report, ENTSOG considered TSOs from group A as they were the only group of TSOs who had to publish the full list of Article 30 information in 2017. TSOs that change tariff period in 2018 will publish this information then and will be covered in a future monitoring report. The information to be published for Article 30 can be broken down into four blocks: (1) methodology parameters related to technical characteristics of the transmission system; (2) TSO revenue information; (3) transmission and non-transmission tariffs which are not published before the annual yearly capacity auctions; and (4) additional information related to tariff evolution. Such information needs to be published for all points on the network.


Group A (27 TSOs) Has the TSO published the information listed in Art. 30, required to be published before the new tariff period (1 Jan 2018 – 31 Dec 2018)?



Yes, 21 (from 6 MSs) NRA responsibility, 4 (from 3 MSs) No, 2 (from 2 MSs)


Figure 3: Publication of Article 30 information for the new tariff period

Æ 21 TSOs have published the Article 30 information for the new tariff period (1 January 2018–31 December 2018). However, for a number of these TSOs some items were not published as they are non-applicable due to, for example, they did not apply flow-based charges, use incentive mechanisms or have a intra/cross-system split. Æ For four TSOs it is the NRA who is responsible for publishing Article 30 information. Æ Two TSOs have not published the Article 30 information. For one, due to an ongoing litigation concerning the new tariffs for 2018, the other will be applying for a derogation, the derogation decision will determine the scope of what is applicable for publication.

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TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017

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