ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code



‘Early Compliance’ – Publishing Article 29 Information (reserve prices) on the TSOs Website

As per the ‘early compliance’ publication explained above, all TSOs must publish the reserve prices for the current gas year (1 October 2017–30 September 2018) on the TSOs website. In 2018, TSOs will need to publish all information related to Article 29 for the first time, this will include the multipliers and seasonal factors applied to reserve prices for firm capacity products and the assessment of the probability of interruption for interruptible capacity products. Although TSOs did not have to publish the complete set of information as per Article 29, in 2017, many TSO did on a voluntary basis, which will be covered in the ‘Responses’ section below.


All TSOs (46 TSOs) Have the reserve prices for the current gas year (1 Oct 2017 – 30 Sept 2018) been published on the TSOs website? (For both firm and interruptible capacity products)



Yes, 38 (from 18 MSs) NRA responsibility, 7 (from 5 MSs) Non-applicable, 1 (from 1 MS)


Figure 2: Publication of reserve prices for the current gas year on the TSOs website

Æ 38 TSOs have published the reserve prices for the current gas year (1 October 2017–30 September 2018) on their website. Although the TAR NC or ‘early compliance’ do not require the additional information from Article 29 to be published in 2017, the majority of TSOs have published some or all of this information where it is applicable to them, or provided links to where this information is published on their NRAs website. Æ For seven TSOs, responsibility for publishing the reserve prices is with their NRA. However, they have all either provided the reserve prices on their own website, or provided a link on their website to the information on their NRAs website. Æ For one TSO, these publication requirements are non-applicable as they do not have an IP.

TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 15

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