ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code

Possible TSO Answers

The questions were structured to allow the TSO to answer ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘non-applicable’ or ‘NRA responsibility’, followed by a text box to provide additional or clarifying comments. For Article 29 ‘Information to be published before the annual yearly capacity auction’ and Article 30 ‘Information to be published before the tariff period’ in Chapter VIII ‘Publication requirements’, and Article 26 ‘Periodic consultation’ and Article 27 ‘Periodic national regulatory authority decision-making’ in Chapter VII ‘Consultation requirements’ the responsibility for these provisions could either be with the NRA or the TSO, as decided by the NRA. As this report only covers the implementation of the TARNC by TSOs, not NRAs, in the MSs where the responsibility for a certain provision is with the NRA, the TSO could answer ‘NRA responsibility’ in the information collection questionnaire and move on to the next question. They also had the opportunity to answer, ‘NRA responsibility’ and provide information on recent developments and any interaction they had with their NRA on these provisions, such as sharing documents or related information. The TSO could also answer ‘Non-applicable’ for certain questions that were not relevant to them, for example, a question on seasonal factors could be answered ‘Non-applicable’ if the TSO does not apply seasonal factors.

Image courtesy of Gascade

TAR NC Implementation and Effect Monitoring Report 2017 | 13

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