ENTSOG First Report on Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code

Implementation Monitoring and Baseline for Effect Monitoring of the Tariff Network Code1
Table of Contents2
1 Opening4
2 Executive8
3 Implementation Monitoring10
3.1 Introduction11
3.1.1 Information Sources and Data ­Collection11
3.1.2 Scope11
3.2 Analysis of Responses14
3.2.1 Publication Requirements in 201714
3.2.2 Consultation activity in 201731
3.2.3 Remaining Provisions Applicable in 201733
3.3 Conclusion41
4 Baseline for ­Effect Monitoring42
4.1 Introduction and Purpose43
4.2 Information Sources and Data Collection44
4.3 Description of the 5 EM ­Indicators44
4.3.1 TAR.1: Level and variability of the under- /over-recovery45
4.3.2 TAR.2: Tariff changes at CAM and non-CAM points49
4.3.3 TAR.3: Evolution of short-term and ­long-term bookings51
4.3.4 TAR.4: Publication of information in ­English52
4.3.5 TAR.5: Multipliers applied by TSOs53
4.4 Results for the 5 EM Indicators54
4.4.1 Results for TAR.1 ( under- / over- recovery ) in 201754
4.4.2 Results for TAR.2 ( tariff changes ) in 201757
4.4.3 Results for TAR.3 ( bookings ) in 201758
4.4.4 Results for TAR.4 ( publication in English ) in 201760
4.4.5 Results for TAR.5 ( multipliers ) in 201764
4.5 Conclusion68
Annex A: List of Particioating European70
Annex B: Links to the Article 29 and 30 information published on the TSO / NRA website72
Annex C: Final consultation ( Art. 26 ) – provisional timelines and responsibility per MS74
Annex D: Payable Price Currently Offered by TSOs74

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