ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Table 8.3: Description of Interim imbalance charge



1. The reason of using interim imbalance charge 2. The basis of the price derivation 3. Formula 4. The timeline to implement the Daily imbalance charge methodology

1. Due to the lack of a liquid gas market. Due to the non-existence of a Trading platform in the meaning of BAL NC, art. 10.

2. Proxy for a market price

3. PMC = max (CMMPC, PMPC x 110%) marginal purchase price. PMV = min (CMMPV, PMPV x 90%) marginal sales price.


4. Considering that the liquidity of the wholesale domestic short term market is insufficient to determine a weighted average price for a certain gas day, for the gas year 2015–2016 a calculation methodology was applied to determine the weighted average price related to the transmission month. The convergence to the methodology indicated by Regulation 312/2014 will be achieved only in 1Q-2017, when the STSP are introduced in the centralised markets.

1. A neutral method based on possible locational trades within the applied interim measures.

2. Price derived from balancing platform trades


3. According to the terms to be found at: https://www.swedegas.com/Our_services/system_responsibility/balance_responsibility/conditions_and_fees 4. If a joint balancing with Denmark is achieved the imbalance charge methodology will be implemented at that time. Otherwise probably not before 2019.

1. Interim Measures – use of Balancing Platfom for setting the price for Imbalance Charge calculation

2. Price derived from balancing platform trades


3. Price List https://tis.eustream.sk/TisWeb/#/?nav=gi.trf

4. Daily Imbalance Charge methodology in line with Bal NC Art. 49. Timeline for the change is dependent on end of Interim Measures.

1. As trading platform approach not being delivered at present.

2. Proxy for a market price

3. Positive Imbalance, an Imbalance Charge shall be payable to it equal to the sum of: (a) Imbalance Tolerance Quantity (ITQ) × Daily Gas Price; plus (b) MIQ (Aggregate NI Imbalance -ITQ) × Psmps,

where Psmps is the lower of: (i) the Daily Gas Price multiplied by 0.7; or (ii) the System Marginal Sell Price on the relevant Gas Flow Day D (as defined in the GB Uniform Network Code).


Negative Imbalance, it shall pay an Imbalance Charge equal to the sum of: (a) ITQ × Daily Gas Price; plus (b) MIQ (Aggregate NI Imbalance − ITQ × Psmpb

where Psmpb is the higher of: (i) the Daily Gas Price multiplied by 1.5; or (ii) the System Marginal Buy Price on the relevant Gas Flow Day D (as defined in the GB Uniform Network Code).

4. Ongoing assessment

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

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