ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

\\ TSOs were also observed to have improved in fulfilling and/or exceeding transparency obligations towards network users for better balancing of portfolios. \\ A change towards the usage of another trading platform for balancing purposes has been reported by one country. The trading platform as well as the plan to implement one directly instead of the interim measure in place was also reported. Delays in imple- menting trading platforms were observed in two countries applying transitory period. \\ 17 countries indicated having implemented the merit order in accordance with Art. 9 with STSPs in first place of the merit order. The decision process for implementing ST- SPs and/or balancing services was finalised in many countries by 1 October 2016. One country indicated that it no longer offered any balancing services. Two other countries reported a change to the merit order due to introduction of different products for emer- gency cases. The annual review of balanc- ing services was confirmed by ten of 15 countries who reported performing balanc- ing services in their current merit order. \\ The information provisions according Art. 32 BAL NC (3 types of information) are pro- vided by 19 countries and partially by five countries. \\ Information model: The on-going imple- mentation regarding the provision of infor- mation on forecasts, updates and alloca- tions can be noticed as several updates or new implementation have been reported by different countries by 1 October 2016. For example, some countries provide more fre- quent updates than the minimum foreseen by BAL NC whereas some other countries have still not designated an information model and/or the forecasting party. \\ The cost benefit analysis (CBA) deadline regarding the information provisions passed in April 2016. Most countries indicated a CBA was currently in progress or being postponed into the future. Nevertheless the implementation or the improvement of information provisions was reported in sev- eral countries.

\\ 14 countries reported the implementation of daily imbalance charge provisions while three countries partially implemented them. In one country the methodology is still under development. Three other countries reported recently the application of an inter- im imbalance charge, so that in total eight countries applied this interim measure. Of them, seven countries stated that the inter- im imbalance charge was implemented by 1 October 2016 while one plans to imple- ment it during 2017. \\ 14 countries reported the implementation of the methodology for calculation of neu- trality charges. Three countries have anoth- er approved neutrality mechanism in place which fulfils the principals of neutrality as foreseen in BAL NC. Another 6 countries have partially implemented the neutrality provisions while the methodology is still un- der discussion for two further countries. \\ Of the five countries that have already implemented WDOs, one country stated a change in its WDO regime regarding the calculation of WDO charges. Another country is still planning the establishment of WDOs. \\ Five countries reported to have already offered linepack flexibility service by­ 1 October 2016. Of these, one country has partially implemented the provisions. Of three countries that were discussing the introduction of the linepack flexibility service or foreseen before, only one chose to finally implement it. \\ Of the eleven countries applying for interim measures, one country indicated having moved forwards from planned towards implementation of interim measures while another country postponed the implemen- tation into 2017. Other countries reported having implemented additional interim imbalance charge since the previous report. Four countries updated and published the interim measure report.

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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