ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Annex III: Balancing System (Chapter II) and Nominations (Chapter IV of BAL NC)

Table 3.1: Implementation of trade notifications by 1 October 2016

Established scheme that allows network users to transfer gas between two balancing portfolios within one balancing zone via trade notifications submitted to the TSO.


AT, BE/LU, BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE*, ES, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT  1) , LT, NL, PL, SI, SK  2) , UK-GB and UK-NI

Implemented without any limitations for trade notifications

Implemented with limitations for trade notifications

HR  3) , PT  4) , RO  5) , SE  6)

Not implemented

EL  7)

1) In Italy no limitations unless VTP system (PSV) closure from 03.00 to 06.00. Technical closure planned for the update of the users' financial position, necessary to ensure system's security – It does not affect nomination/re-nomination cycle. 2) In Slovakia the volume is limited by provided financial guarantee. 3) TSO does not have a binding contract, but only transport capacity contract. 4) In Romania the delivery trade notifications' approval are subject to the corresponding entry nomination to the transmission network by the shipper in the same amount. Definition of the NU = contractual partner of the TSO, based on the contracts provided in the Network code RO (NC RO). In the Network code RO only the transmission contract is mentioned. At present the notifications in the VTP may be made only by the NU. However, as of November 2016, all the market participants (even if they are not NU) are bound by the NC RO, to notify the TSO on the transactions performed. 5) The notifications in the VTP may be made only within the forecasted imbalance. For each stage there is a

time frame provided in the NC, in which such notifications may be performed. 6) In Sweden the deadline for submission is two hours before any gas transfer.

7) In Greece currently the network users are able to transfer gas between two balancing portfolios by submitting nominations at the Virtual Nominations Point (VNP) of the Greek NGTS. A balancing platform will operate by the mid of 2017, while trade notifications is expected to be implemented within 2018.

Image courtesy of Gascade

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

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