ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
Annex II: Operational Balancing (Chapter III of BAL NC)
Table 2.1: Short Term Standardised Products offered in own balancing zone by 1 October 2016***
Country where it is offered on a trading platform or balancing platform
Country where it is planned to be offered on a trading platform by 1 October 2016
Type of STSP product
AT, BE/LU, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL*, SI, SK, UK-GB 1) (16)
HR (1)
Title STSP products
Locational STSP products
DE**, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, UK-GB (7)
Temporal STSP products
DE, HU, NL (3)
Temporal locational STSP products
DE (1)
* In Poland title STSP products are implemented in the H-gas and TGPS balancing zone. (In the Polish L-gas balancing zone products (under interim measures) are available on balancing platform. There is no trading platform in this balancing area. There is no information available at the moment regarding a planned date. There are discussions with the trading platform operator but there is no decision yet regarding the possible products. ** In DE, the exchange offers products which provide global und quality effects. Additionally For market area NCG: On 24 March 2016, the trading platform operator PEGAS introduced temporal, locational and tempo- ral locational STSPs. The temporal STSPs are realised within one hour of the gas day with a lead-time of three hours. The locational STSPs are realised on a within-day and day-ahead basis with a lead-time of three hours and delivery/offtake within a specified network zone. The temporal locational STSPs are real- ised within one hour of the gas day with a lead-time of 3 hours and delivery/offtake at specified network points at the Dutch/German border (IPs “Elten/Zevenaar” and “Vreden/Winterswijk”). *** In Estonia STSP are planned when the common Baltic balancing zone is implemented (2019). *** In Greece the definition of STSPs is in progress. Estimated implementation time: July 2017 (establishment of a balancing platform). Ireland is currently in Interim Measures phases. *** In Ireland STSP will be introduced to coincide with the introduction of an IBP (Irish Balancing Point) based trading platform. Planned for Q3/Q4 2017. *** Portugal is on route to have soon an organised market functioning in its balancing zone. According to the NRA's decision, Mibgás, S.A., operating the Spanish Trading platform at the Spanish VTP (PVB) shall be the future Market Operator in Portugal, which is currently delayed due to administrative legal hindrances *** In Romania the TSO took concrete steps towards both domestic centralised market operators to introduce short term standardised products, but because of the fact that a clearing house is not available to clear transactions in due time it was impossible to implement it. Both the BRM and the OPCOM gas exchanges consider projects enabling them to introduce in short time the STSP, as follows: BRM works with KELER CCP for the introduction of STSP in cooperation with the clearing house – implementing deadline 2Q2017; OPCOM submitted the documentation for approval to NERA for the Day ahead market (PZU), and the plat- form is expected to be commissioned in 1Q2017 *** In Sweden no STSP are implemented due to insufficient liquidity. Swedegas and Energinet.dk are exploring the possibility of a joint balancing giving access to STSP in Denmark. *** In Slovakia due to Interim measures- on Balancing platform. *** Trading was first introduced to the NI regime in October 2015 via a VTP and there is not currently sufficient liquidity. (STSP are currently not planned.) 1) New Emergency products listed in Merit order, implemented by 1 October 2016.
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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
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