ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Interim imbalance charge (Art. 49 of BAL NC)

Compared to the previous report, in all coun- tries, interim imbalance charge is in place, with the exception of Bulgaria, where the implemen- tation of interim imbalance charge is planned for 1 January 2017. The description of the implemented interim imbalance charge can be found in Annex VIII, table 8.3 .

In the absence of sufficient liquidity of the short term wholesale gas market, TSOs may apply in- terim imbalance charge which shall substitute the daily imbalance charge calculation method- ology. As map 13 illustrates, eight countries including Estonia (EL, IE, PL, RO, SE, SK and UK-NI) re- ported having implementing interim imbalance charge. In Poland, interim imbalance charges are only applied for two balancing zones (L-gas and TGPS).

a) Bulgaria plans the implementation by during 2017

No application of interim imbalance charge

Implementation in progress a)

Interim daily imbalance charge in place

a) Bulgaria plans the implementation by during 2017. Map 13:  Interim measures – overview of current or planned use of interim imbalance charge

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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