ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
Balancing platform as interim measure (Art. 47 of BAL NC)
According to BAL NC provisions, a balancing platform can be established for the purpose of TSOs balancing in case the short term wholesale gas market has or is anticipated to have insuffi- cient liquidity or where temporal and locational products required cannot reasonably be pro- cured on this market. In four countries (DE, PL, SK, SE) a balancing platform is already in use. In Poland, the balanc- ing platform operates in all three balancing zones (H-gas, L-gas, TGPS) using interim bal- ancing products.
Compared to the previous report, Greece fore- sees the implementation of a balancing platform in Q3-2017 while Romania will no longer contin- ue to implement a balancing platform. Map 11 below shows an overview of the current or planned usage of balancing platforms in Europe.
a) The map should be viewed in
conjunction with Map 1 in section 3.1.1 . The existence of a trading platform fulfilling all conditions in Article 10 of BAL NC makes it prin- cipally unnecessary to establish a dedicated balancing platform. All countries with existing or planned balancing platforms do not have a trading platform, except for Germany and Poland.
Existing balancing platform
No current or planned balancing platform foreseen
Planned balancing platform
* The above map should be viewed in conjunction with Map 1 in section 3.1.1. The existence of a trading platform ful lling all conditions in Article 10 of BAL NC makes it principally unnecessary to establish a dedicated balancing platform. All countries with existing or planned balancing platforms do not have a trading platform, except for Germany and Poland. Map 11: Interim measures – Overview of current or planned usage of balancing platform a)
ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |
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