ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Plans to remove interim measures

According to BAL NC provisions, TSO should identify the steps that will be taken to remove the interim measures, including the criteria for making these steps and for an assessment of the related timing. The four countries (DE, PL, SK and UK-NI) report- ed in the updated report on next steps, milestones and deadlines planned to remove further the interim measures. All four countries foresee the usage of interim measures until April 2019. Further details can be found in Annex VIII, table 8.2 . TSOs have the possibility to apply any other in- terim measures as an alternative or additionally, provided that such measures aim at promoting competition and liquidity of the short term wholesale gas market and are consistent with the general principles of BAL NC.

Poland reported implementing interim balanc- ing products that are traded on the balancing platform in all three balancing zones. Compared to the previous report, Romania im- plemented the planned interim measures, by 1 October 2016. Bulgaria plans to implement in- terim measures during 2017. Romania  57) decid- ed not to implement a balancing platform but to implement directly one or two trading plat- forms – until Q1-2017 (OPCOM platform) and until Q2-2017 (BRM platform). Greece pro- longed the implementation timeline of the balancing platform until Q3-2017. An Interim imbalance charge was reported as implemented in three countries (IE, PL (L-gas, TGPS) and UK-NI) compared to previous report at which time implementation was only planned.

Overview of the Interim measures applied by 1 October 2016

Alternative to a balancing platform

Interim daily imbalance charge


Balancing platform



Planned (during 2017)

Planned (during 2017)

Planned (during 2017)


In place


Planned (Q3/2017)

In place

In place

In place


In place

In place

In place


In place

In place for L-gas and TGPS


In place

In place for H-gas


In place

In place

in place


In place

In place


In place

In place


In place

In place

In place

Table 4: Overview of the Interim measures applied by 1 October 2016

57) Both BRM and OPCOM gas exchanges consider projects enabling them to introduce in short time the STSP, as follows: BRM works with KELER CCP for the introduction of STSP in cooperation with the clearing house – implementing deadline Q2-2017; OPCOM submitted the documentation for approval to NRA for the day ahead market (PZU), and the platform is expected to be commissioned in Q1-2017.

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

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