ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Image courtesy of Fluxys


BAL NC offers the flexibility of implementing interim measures in the absence of sufficient liquidity in the short term wholesale gas market in order to have enough time to develop a more liquid and competitive short term market. Table 4 below provides an overview of the elev- en countries including Estonia (BG, DE, EL, IE, LT, PL, RO, SE, SK and UK-NI) which have repeated (BG, DE, EL, LT, RO, SE and SK) or

reported (IE, PL for L-gas and TGPS, UK-NI) new implementation of interim measures. Bulgaria reported that the new balancing rules will come into force by 1 January 2017. All of these countries except two (DE  55) and PL 56) ) which stated other reasons, reported that the absence of sufficient liquidity in short term wholesale gas market was the reason for apply- ing interim measures.

Publication of updated interim imbalance report

Of ten countries applying interim measures four of them (DE, PL, SK and UK-NI) updated and published the interim measures reports. The links are provided in Annex I, table 1.3 . The reasons given by these countries (BG, EL, IE, LT, RO and SE) for not updating the interimmeas- ures report are given in Annex VIII, table 8.1 .

Implementation of interim measures requires publishing the first interim measures report ap- proved by the NRA and as well as any subse- quent updated reports, if necessary on an annu- al basis.

55) Balancing platforms are used solely for the procurement of specific locational commodity products which are not offered at the trading platform in order to ensure security of supply. The balancing platforms are therefore only used in case there is a specific locational balancing demand which cannot be covered with STSPs traded at the wholesale market. Based on this strict limitation, the balancing platforms have no negative effect on the liquidity at the short term wholesale market, since it is hardly used and only serves as a backup solution. Offers of balancing gas suppliers at the balancing platform are furthermore non-binding for the supplier until they are accepted by the MAMs and therefore no flexibility is withheld from the short term wholesale market. 56) Poland applied for interim measures due to lack of locational products offered on the trading platform and no possibility of trading on short term markets (day ahead and intra-day) for up to 22 hours, 7 days a week, which will enable liquid balancing throughout the gas day.

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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