ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
Image courtesy of ONTRAS
Small adjustment (Art. 22.6)
Daily imbalance charge calculation (Art. 23)
As part of the approved calculation methodolo- gy, the small adjustment contributes to deter- mine the marginal sell and buy price. Its role is to incentivise network users to balance their inputs and off-takes. Out of 18 countries where the daily imbalance charge methodology applies, 14 countries (BE, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, LU, PL (H-gas), PT, SI and UK-GB) reported the implementation of a small adjustment in accordance with article 22.6 of BAL NC by 1 October 2016. In two coun- tries (EE and HR) the daily imbalance charge calculation methodology is still under develop- ment. In Hungary, the small adjustment is zero. As already stated in the previous report Austria and Netherlands repeated the small adjustment as not applicable. 44) (Further details can be found in Annex V, table 5.4 ). The other seven countries (EL, IE, PL (L-gas and TGPS), RO, SE, SK and UK-NI) reported the im- plementation of an interim imbalance charge while Bulgaria plans to implement the interim imbalance charge during 2017. (More details can be found in Chapter 3.9 of this report deal- ing with interim measures).
The reduction of network users’ daily imbalance quantities to zero each day, instead of rolling over to subsequent days, is an important ele- ment of a daily imbalance charge methodology. In 20 countries (BE, BG 45) , DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, PL, PT, RO, SE, SK, SI, UK-GB and UK-NI) network users’ daily imbal- ance quantities are reduced to zero each day on payment of the daily imbalance charges. In Austria, if the imbalances are below tradable volumes (<24MWh/d) they will be considered as carry-forward for the next gas day. Due to the linepack flexibility service offered in Czech Republic, daily imbalance charge is paid only for a part of the individual imbalance that exceeds a specific range and the imbalance quantity within the range rolls over to subse- quent days. In the Netherlands the daily imbal- ance quantities are absorbed by the offered linepack flexibility service according to art. 21.2 of BAL NC. Estonia applies a monthly accounting period, while in Croatia a daily imbalance charge calcu- lation methodology is under development.
44) See also footnote 51 and 52 for AT and NL in applicable price section. 45) The Methodology shall be applied during 2017.
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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
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