ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016
a) In Poland two types of information are provided in the TGPS balanc- ing zone due to art. 34.1 NC BAL.
b) Lithuania plans implementation of all three types in 2017.
2 types of information by 1 October 2016 b)
All 3 types of information provided by 1 October 2016 a) 1 types of information by 1 October 2016
a) In Poland two types of information are provided in the TGPS balancing zone due to art. 34.1 NC BAL. b) Lithuania plans implementation of all three types in 2017. Map 5: Implementation of types of information provisions as reported by the countries
3.4.2 Information Model
Three different information models for daily and non-daily metered off-takes are allowed in BAL NC These are a ‘base case’ model, a ‘variant 1’ and a ‘variant 2’. In Article 35 and 36 of BAL NC it is specified how allocation data is calculated and how and whether forecasts are provided. According to the definitions in BAL NC, ‘base case’ means the model for information provision where the information on non-daily metered off- takes consists of day ahead and within day fore- casts; ‘variant 1’ means the model for informa- tion provision where the information on non-daily metered and daily metered off-takes is based on apportionment of measured flows dur- ing the gas day and ‘variant 2’ means the model for information provision where the information
on non-daily metered off-takes is a day ahead forecast 33) . (Find some model descriptions pro- vided by the TSOs in table 4.2 in Annex IV .) The information model provisions of BAL NC should be implemented by all countries by 1 Oc- tober 2016 as the implementation deadline for countries applying transitory period option has also passed. The following map 6 illustrates which informa- tion model for non-daily metered off takes applied in the respective countries by 1 October 2016.
33) According to article 36(1), where base case model is applied, TSO shall provide network users with a minimum of two daily updates of the forecast of their non-daily metered off-takes. According to article 36(4), where the information model variant 1 is applied, TSO shall provide network users with a minimum of two daily updates of their apportionment of measured flows. According to article 36(5), where variant 2 model is applied, TSO shall provide network users with a forecast of their non-daily metered off- takes, as referred to in paragraph 1(a): on gas day D-1, the TSO shall provide network users with a forecast of their non-daily metered off-takes for gas day D no later than 12:00 UTC (winter time) or 13:00 UTC (daylight saving).
ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |
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