ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

3.3.2 Nomination and Re-nomination Provisions for Bundled Capacities

Where TSOs offer bundled capacities at IPs, the nomination and re-nomination provisions according to Article 12(3) of BAL NC shall also apply to single nominations and re-nominations for bundled capacity products. 20 countries  22) (AT, BE/LU  23) , BG, CZ, DE, ES, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, UK-GB and UK-NI) reported having applied the same rules for unbundled and bundled capacity products. Greece reported applying the same rules for bundled and unbundled capacities. However these rules are not compatible with the applica- ble provisions of BAL NC  24) . Four other countries In absence of a valid nomination sent by the net- work user before the nomination deadline, the respective TSO shall apply the default nomina- tion rule agreed between these TSOs. In total 23 countries including Estonia (AT, BG, BE/LU, DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT  26) , LT, NL, PT, RO, SE, SK, SI, UK-GB and UK-NI) confirmed having a default nomination rule agreed for this case with the adjacent TSO. Two countries (CZ and PL) indicated no agreement with adjacent TSO. Mainly two default rules (“lesser rule” and “zero”) are reported by 22 countries as a default nomination rule. In the matching process at IPs where both default rules are indicated by the ad- jacent TSOs the application of the zero rule would finally apply. In case of receiving no valid nomination before the nomination deadline, the TSO would apply zero for the shipper nomina- tion in the matching process. Where the lesser of rule applies in the matching process, no gas flow would ultimately occur.

including Estonia (DK, LT  25) and SE) responded not applying the same rules for unbundled and for bundled capacity. Denmark indicated that the single nomination will be implemented later this year. Many countries applying the same rules, reported cooperating with adjacent TSO for the purpose of implementing nomination and re- nomination rules for bundled capacity products at IPs. On-going processes have been indicated for some IPs. (See outcome of co-operations in Annex III, table 3.4 ) Exceptions are indicated by three countries (BG, RO and IT  27) ). Bulgaria and Romania which take the last confirmed nomination into account at IP Negru Voda 1 and by Italy where a weekly and monthly planning is taken into account. In five countries (BG  28) , CZ, EL, SK and PL) the default nomination rules currently in place have yet to be agreed for all IPs. (Details can be found in ta- ble 3.5 in Annex III. The interconnection points (IPs) where hourly and daily nominations coexist in twelve coun- tries (BE, CZ, DE, FR, HU, IT, LU, NL, PL, SI, SK and UK-GB) can be found in table 3.6 in Annex III . Table 3.6 in Annex III also lists the countries where NRAs have determined at hat the nomination and renomination procedures are required at points other than the IPs.

3.3.3 Agreed Default Nomination Rule with Adjacent TSO if Valid Nomination (before deadline) is Not Sent by NU

22) AB Amber Grid is currently interconnected just with the transmission system of Latvia which has derogation based on Article 49 of Directive No 2009/73 and BAL NC is not applied to Latvia, bundled capacity is not offered. Estonia holding derogation does not apply the rules for bundled capacity. 23) See Section 3.3.1 hourly re-nomination cycle and standard re-nomination lead-time of hours for further information regarding IP Remich in Luxembourg. 24) See also footnote 21 25) See section 3.3.1 hourly re-nomination cycle and standard re-nomination lead-time of two hours for further information. 26) Last available information with the following order: weekly planning, monthly planning. (See Snam Rete Gas Network Code (chapter 8, paragraph 6.3) at http://www.snamretegas.it/en/services/Network_Code/Aree/Codice_di_rete.html) 27) In Italy there is a different rule other than “lesser rule” and “zero rule”. The rule in place is agreed with the adjacent TSOs even if it is not the same they implemented. 28) In Bulgaria the default nomination rule is agreed for all IPs of our system except the IP with Greece – Kulata/Sidirokastro.

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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