ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016


Nominations are a central part of BAL NC since the information received by TSOs from a net- work user’s gas nomination is essential to the safe and efficient balancing of the network. This information enables TSOs to also predict where and to what extent gas imbalances are likely to occur. BAL NC sets out basic nomination and re-nomination rules for TSOs and shippers to fol- low when nominating and re-nominating gas quantities. Independently from their applied implementa- tion deadline all countries have to implement nomination provisions by 1 October 2016.

Map 4 below illustrates that 20 countries (AT, BG, BE, CZ, DE, ES, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT  15) , NL, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, UK-GB and UK-NI) reported the implementation of nomination rules at all IPs by 1 October 2016. Three countries (DK  16) , LU  17) and SE) reported the implementation of the nomination provisions except the lead- time of two hours at IP Remich in Luxembourg and the implementation of single nominations in Denmark and Sweden. Estonia  18) and Greece indicated a planned implementation of the nom- ination provisions, including at its IP with Bulgaria in April 2017 and Q1/2017. 19)

a) Exceptions of implementation at certain IPs are reported by five countries (DK, SE, HU, LT and LU) by 1 October 2016. In five coun- tries (BG, CZ, EL, SK and PL) the default nomination rules currently in place are not agreed yet for all IPs.

Delayed implementation after 1 October 2016

Implemented by 1 October 2016 a)

a)Exceptions of implementation at certain IPs are reported by five countries (DK, SE, HU, LT and LU) by 1 October 2016. In five countries (BG, CZ, EL, SK and PL) the default nomination rules currently in place are not agreed yet for all IPs. Map 4:  Implementation of nomination provisions by 1 October 2016

15) AB Amber Grid is currently interconnected just with the transmission system of Latvia which has derogation based on Article 49 of Directive No 2009/73 and BAL NC is not applied to Latvia. 16) In Denmark the single nomination will be implemented later this year. 17) See section 3.3.1 hourly re-nomination cycle and standard re-nomination lead-time of two hours for further information. 18) Estonia plans the implementation of nomination provisions for April 2017, e. g. regarding the use of energy units and the gas day will be changed to as defined in BAL NC in 2017. 19) 1st quarter 2017. Acc. to DESFA’s proposal to the NRA regarding the revision of the Greek network code (pending approval) the full implementation of chapter IV of BAL NC is foreseen.) – 12.1 units (currently in MWh/d), 14.1 Nomination deadline, 14.3 Confirmation deadline, 15 Re-nomination procedure, 16 N/A, 17.1.b Re-nomination rejection, 17.2 Intakes shall be equal to offtakes, 17.3 N/A

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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