ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Table 1 illustrates that 17 respondents (AT, BE/ LU, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL, SI, SK and UK-GB) offered STSPs by 1 October 2016. Compared to the previous report Germa- ny reported having introduced new STSPs on the PEGAS trading platform. Of those five countries with an implementation deadline by 1 October 2016, three of them (CZ, ES and IT) confirmed the implementation of title and locational products. Croatia continues to use its locational STSPs on the balancing platform due to an implementation delay of the trading platform which is planned for April 2017. Portugal also reported a delay in establishing a trading platform by 1 October 2016 has there- fore decided to implement temporary balancing services. When STSPs are not likely to sufficiently address the needs of the market or network, the TSO is also allowed to procure balancing services. Table 2 illustrates that 12 countries including Estonia (CZ, DE, EL, IE, LT, PL, PT, PL, SI, SK and UK-NI) confirmed using balancing services (partially under interim measures) by 1 October 2016. In Poland balancing services are implemented in the H-gas balancing zone and planned in the L-gas balancing zone for 2017. Romania confirmed the implementation of two balancing services, one to be procured via pub- lic tender (under interim measures) and the other directly procured via the underground storage services (under art. 8.4) which has been approved by the NRA. Where locational or temporal products have been used, the countries stated that it was only Balancing Services:

done when it was more economic and efficient than purchasing and selling a combination of title products or locational products. From those countries to have implemented more than one STSP, Czech Republic stated not having taken into account cost-efficiency within the respective levels of the merit order. UK-GB stated it as not applicable. While trading in short term standardised prod- ucts, the TSO shall prioritise the use of within- day products over day-ahead products where and to the extent appropriate. Of the 16 coun- tries using STSP in their merit order, only Czech Republic stated not doing so since the usage of STSPs is determined by national legislation. In Lithuania the publication of information re- garding the TSO balancing actions is foreseen for 2017. Two respondents (BG and IT) still foresee the possibility of using them in the future. Bulgaria indicated the introduction of balancing services (as an alternative to a balancing platform) during 2017. Opposing developments have been reported from two countries (DE and FR). In the German NCG market area one of two balancing services (intraday flexibility) has been discontinued since 1 May 2016. It was reported that the remaining balancing services are only used for emergency cases. France reported also having no balancing services in place anymore. From those five countries with an implementa- tion deadline by 1 October 2016, two countries (CZ and PT) finally decided to implement bal- ancing services. Portugal reported a delay in the establishment of an organised market. To ensure

Reported use of balancing services accord. to Art. 8 of BAL NC by 1 October 2016

Balancing services


CZ, DE, EE b) , EL, IE c) , LT, PL d) , PT, RO, SI, SK, UK-NI (12)

Use of balancing services  a)

Use of balancing services planned / under discussion BG  d) , HR, IT  e) , (3)

No plan to use balancing services

AT, BE/LU, DK, ES, FR, HU, NL, SE, UK-GB (10)

a) Greece, Ireland, Romania and Northern Ireland are operating balancing services under interim measures. b) Estonia holds derogation. c) In Ireland the balancing services are pre-existing (re-tendered annually). Intention is to seek to phase out as liquidity is proven at an IBP base Trading platform. d) In Poland balancing services are implemented in the H-gas balancing zone and planned in the L-gas balancing zone for 2017. In Bulgaria the implementation of balancing services is planned during 2017. e) In Italy the possibility to use balancing services is already foreseen in the SRG Network Code. A process for the identification of the most appropriate balancing services is currently ongoing according to principles and criteria already established.

Table 2: Reported use of balancing services according to Art. 8 of BAL NC by 1 October 2016

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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