ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

Of the other eight respondents (BG, EL, IE  7) , RO, SE, SK and UK-NI) including Estonia the latter confirmed that since a trading platform has not yet been developed, applied the interim meas- ures instead. Two countries (SE and SK) confirmed temporari- ly using a balancing platform while five countries (BG, IE, EL, RO and UK-NI) reported temporary

using (IE, EL, RO and UK-NI) or planning (BG) an alternative to the balancing platform by 1 October 2016. Ireland is expected to go live with their trading platform in 2017. Romania is currently in discussion with OPCOM-gas exchange on using their platform for balancing purposes. More infor- mation on those interim measures can be found in Chapter 3.9.


BAL NC describes the order of products to be used by TSO for balancing actions as the so- called “Merit Order”. When procuring balancing actions, TSOs must first use the four STSPs (title products, locational products, temporal prod- ucts and/or temporal locational products) traded on a trading platform for delivery on a within-day or day-ahead basis for seven days a week. Within the STSP order the TSO must prioritise the use of title products where and to which extent appropriate over any other available STSP and then using, if any, other balancing products or contracts (‘balancing services’).

16 of 25 countries (AT, BE/LU, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL 8) , SK and SI) report- ed the implementation of a merit order accord- ing to Art. 9 of BAL NC, while six countries including Estonia (EL, PT, SE, RO  9) and UK-NI) implemented a merit order with balancing services only – mainly under interim measures. UK-GB stated that the GB TSO is required to es- tablish the “System Management Principles Statement” (SMPS) under its Licence to operate and its purpose is to describe the basis on which it will determine when a system balancing action is needed and the appropriate balancing tool to utilise while Bulgaria indicated its merit order by 1 January 2017. Eight countries (BE, CZ, DE, FR, IT  10) , PL, RO and UK-GB 11) ) reported having updated merit order compared to October 2015.

Short Term Standardised Products (STSPs) offered in own balancing zone by 1 October 2016

Type of STSP product

Country where STSP is offered on trading platform or balancing platform

Country where STSP is planned to be offered on trading platform by 1 October 2016

AT, BE/LU, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL a) , SI, SK, UK-GB (16)

Title products

HR (1)

Locational products

DE, ES, FR  b) , HR, HU, IT, UK-GB (7)

Temporal products

DE, HU, NL, (3)

Temporal locational products

DE (1)

a) In Poland title STSP products are implemented in the H-gas and TGPS balancing zone. b) In France GRTgaz is still experimenting locational products.

Table 1:  Short Term Standardised Products (STSPs) offered in own balancing zone by 1 October 2016

7) In Ireland a trading platform is expected to go live in 2017. 8) In Poland VTP has been implemented in the L-gas and TGPS balancing zone. 9) In Romania it was not possible to purchase natural gas to be delivered on short-term basis from the domestic gas exchange. Therefore the Merit Order has changed by prioritising this balancing type as compared to the balancing services supplied by the Storage Operator.

10) Italy reported that the merit order and standard products are in line with BAL NC by 01 October 2016. 11) In Great Britain new emergency products are also listed in the merit order implemented by 1 October 2016

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

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