ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016


DE: Variant 2 Conversion High No. of TSOs and DSOs

SI: Very small market



Balancing systems with WDOs




UK-GB (TSO bal. = 102 days)

GRTgaz North (TSO bal. = 118 days)

Hungary (TSO bal. = 128 days)

Austria (TSO bal. = 190 days)

BELUX L-Gas (TSO bal. = daily)

Gaspool (TSO bal. = 254 days)

BELUX H-Gas (TSO bal. = daily)

NL/GTS (TSO bal. = 133 days)

NCG (TSO bal. = daily)

Denmark (TSO bal. = 141 days)

TRS (TSO bal. = 161 days)

Slovenia (TSO bal. = 294 days)

Map 2:  2015 clustered countries – Daily BAL.2 on days with TSO balancing actions

In the same French regulatory framework, differences of total TSO trading volumes as well as the days on which the TSOs have been trading those volumes can be seen for GRTgaz and TRS in Map 2 below. Compared to GRTgaz North, the peak as well as the fluctuation of daily TSO balancing volumes in the French TRS trading region is in general much higher. Both trade on less than 44% of the days in GY 2015/2016, but the TSO in GRTgaz North is performing balancing actions on even less days (32%). Denmark has a high peak as well as in its range. It might be an indication for the low within-day market liquidity which has been reported as a challenge after the BAL NC implementa- tion. Anyway the Danish TSO is acting for balancing purposes on less than 40% of the days on the market in GY 2015/2016. Hungary is performing balancing actions on even less than 35% of the days and a lower peak of 11%. Slovenia is a very small gas market. The TSO there is active on around 80% of the days due to balancing purposes, but on those days the peak can be very high with almost 25% at some days. After May 2016 the TSO was trading only STSP when needed while additionally the days when balancing actions occurred reduced. Map 3 illustrates the BAL.2 indicator for Czech Republic with an implementation deadline by 1 July 2016 (cluster 2016). Therefore the 3-month period from 1 July until end of GY 2015/2016 has been only taken into account. The TSO per- formed balancing actions only on one day in August 2016 therefore BAL.2 is not fluctuating, but is constant with a value of 0.79%. The reason is the line pack flexibility service which is in place. Further details regarding the service mechanism can be found in Chapter 4.3.




As of 1 July 2016: On 1 day in August 2016 the TSO has been performing balancing action on the trading platform with a total value relative to the market entry volume (BAL.2) of 0.79%.




Czech Republic (TSO bal. = 1 day)

Map 3:  2016 clustered countries – Daily BAL.2 indicator (in %) on days with TSO balancing actions

ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016 |


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