ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

NC BAL (Code) has been applicable since 1 October 2015 but contains a provision allowing its application to be postponed until 1 October 2016 if allowed by the national regulatory authority (‘NRA’) following the TSO’s justified request and in case that no interim measures are applied. For those countries the deadline for full implementation of the Code has also passed by 1 October 2016. 3 Evaluation of Responses to Questionnaire

Instead of full implementation, interim measures can be implemented for up to five years  1) from the entry into force of the Code (i. e. until 16 April 2019). Such interim measures must be applied consistently with the options laid down in Chap- ter X of the Code as well as the general princi- ples of the Code, while all other provisions in the Code are to have been implemented by 1 Octo- ber 2015. Since the various gas networks and markets differ from each other in their characteristics, the adopted Code grants NRAs and TSOs with a high degree of flexibility in their national imple- mentation. For ten countries (AT, BE/LU, DE, DK, FR, HU, NL, SI, UK-GB) BAL NC was applicable by 1 Oc- tober 2015, while five countries (CZ, ES, IT, HR, PT) made use of the transitory period option until 1 October 2016. Eleven other countries in- cluding Estonia (BG, DE  2) , EL, IE, PL, RO, SE, SK, SI, and UK-NI) applied for interim measures until April 2019. Different updates regarding the implementation of the provisions in the BAL NC by 1 October 2016 have been reported for all of the following chapters by the majority of countries. Further details are provided in this chapter of the report as well.

These updates should also be seen in the context of key challenges and solutions reported by 11 countries (BG, CZ, DK, EE, EL, IE, IT, PL, PT, RO, UK-NI). Further details can be found in Annex I, Table 1.2 . The following challenges have existing or still exist during or following the BAL NC implementation phase in specific areas of concern: \\ Low level of market liquidity and lack of flexible sources for balancing purposes (BG, DK, PL, RO, UK-NI);

\\ IT challenges (BG, CZ, EE, EL, IT);

\\ Network users behaviour (BG, IE, IT, PL, RO);

\\ Adjustment of legislation (BG, EL, RO);

\\ No trading platform implemented (IE, PT)

In all 24 countries (AT, BE/LUX, BG  3) , CZ, DE, DK, EL, ES, FR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SK, SI, UK-GB, UK-NI) except Estonia  4) at least one or more balancing zone(s) as de- fined in the NC BAL was established by 1 Octo- ber 2016. 5) Bulgaria reported the establishment of a virtual interconnection point between its two balancing zones as a transfer point by 1 January 2017. (Details regarding established balancing zones can be found in Annex I, Table 1.1 ).

1) And additional 5 years for the case of the interim measure of a balancing platform, pursuant to Article 47(3) of the NC. 2) Germany is doubled categorised as it applied in addition to its implemented trading platform an additional balancing platform under interim measures. 3) Bulgaria reported having created a Virtual interconnection point at IP GIS Ihtiman between the two balancing zones, called Transfer point by 1 January 2017. 4) In Estonia no entry-exit model is established. 5) The BBL interconnector operates on an in-equals-out balancing regime. Shippers cannot be imbalanced and, therefore, BBL has received approval from ACM and Ofgem not to implement the majority of NC Balancing provisions (all Articles except for Articles 12 – 18 on nominations and relevant aspects of Articles 32 – 42 on Information Provision).

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ENTSOG BAL NC Monitoring Report 2016

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