ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
Image courtesy of GRTgaz
Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules
Following AWP 2015 and to fulfil the monitoring obligations envisaged in Article 25 of the INT NC, ENTSOG members provided their responses to an implementation questionnaire agreed by ACER and ENTSOG, including both general and interconnection-point specific issues.
Based on the replies from participating TSOs, the report shows that the majority of interconnection points (IPs) are operated according to interconnection agreements (IAs) concluded between adjacent TSOs according to the rules foreseen in the INT NC. In the vast majority of agreements, the lesser rule is imple- mented as the matching rule and the operational balancing account (OBA) is widely used as the allocation rule. Regard- ing measurement principles in the IAs, the majority of them take already into consideration the provisions of the INT NC and a number of them have been concluded on the basis of the ENTSOG template. According to the report, no cross-border trade restrictions due to differences in gas quality or odourisation practices that cannot be avoided by mutual cooperation between TSOs have been detected. Regarding short-term monitoring requirements, more than 83% of the TSOs are publishing on their websites Wobbe Index (WI) and Gross Calorific Val- ue (GCV) for each Entry IP once per hour.
As for data exchange, the majority of TSOs have implement- ed or are in the progress of implementing one or more of the common solutions for Nominations & Matching and CAM/ CMP processes. In addition to the common solutions, 82% of TSOs have advised that existing solutions are staying in place.
Support the TSOs of Member States, Energy Community and third countries in the implementation of the NC
The Interoperability team and WG keep building a close co- operation with the Energy Community through the ReCo teams and joint workshop on Interoperability and Transpar- ency (Vienna, 19 October) and advise on the roadmap for implementation of the NC within the Contracting Parties and adjacent Member States (1st meeting on implementation of Gas Network Codes in the Energy Community, Budapest, 7 July).
More information regarding cooperation with Energy Com- munity and third countries could be found in paragraph 6.1.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
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