ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
Development, Support and Maintenance of CNOTs
Further development of Business Requirements Specifi- cations and adoption of Common Data Exchange Solu- tions ENTSOG had to define the common data exchange solution by 1 May 2016. During early 2016, the System Operations Business Area (SOBA) worked with our members to make a proposal for an industry wide stakeholder public consulta- tion (PC) to define the common data exchange solutions for use in data exchanges that are part of the NC BAL, CAM and CMP and INT NC. The PC was held during April 2016, the result was that there was limited stakeholder input and many diverging opinions on the proposed solutions, therefore the SOBA team pre- ferred to delay the process to try to come to the common so- lution. ENTSOG informed ACER of the delay to the obliga- tion and continued to work on accommodating the views of the stakeholders. On 6 September 2016, a Data Exchange Harmonisation Workshop was held, where stakeholders had the opportuni- ty to debate key issues. Following the workshop a second public consultation was carried out from 7 September to 30 September 2016. The outcome of the second consulta- tion enabled ENTSOG to establish final CNOTS with Busi- ness Requirement Specifications. In addition, ENTSOG provided suggestions for optional solutions to aid in the res- olution of any debate between larger and smaller stakehold- ers. On 7 November 2016, ENTSOG published the agreed CNOT table, the updated BRSs for BAL and CAM and CMP and on 17 November 2016 issued a press-release an- nouncing the finalisation of the CNOT process.
On 9 February 2017, the Agency delivered a favourable opinion on the adoption of common network operation tools by ENTSOG, acknowledging the significant work that ENTSOG had undertaken in developing the CNOTs. Data Exchange Solution Profiles Throughout 2016, the ITC KG worked on continued devel- opment of the AS4 Usage Profile and started to develop the Interactive and Integrated Data Exchange Profiles. Inputs in to the AS4 Usage Profile came from increased activity from stakeholders implementing AS4 product solu- tions. From 26 April 2016 through to 29 September 2016 ENTSOG facilitated stakeholder communication sessions on the testing of AS4 implementations. The output from this fa- cilitation provided input into the further refinement of the AS4 Usage Profile, culminating in a draft revision 2.4 which was published on 19 July 2016. In addition to the above, the ITC KG developed an AS4 specification to aid all implementers of AS4 to exchange and update agreements in an automated way. This specifi- cation together with revised documentation on how to set up an AS4 system, an updated version of the ENTSOG AS4 Mapping Table and updates to the AS4 Questions and Answers document were published on 30 November 2016. ENTSOG continued its support to the Role Model TF of EASEE-gas in their aim of finding a common terminology to describe actions between different market participants in the gas industry with the main focus on information exchange. A Role Model workshop was hosted by ENTSOG on the 12 of May. EASEE-gas released the first version of the Role Model in November on the 5th of December. Cooperation with EASEE-gas: implementation guides and role model
Activity 5: Operation of local issuing office for energy identification code scheme
The EIC, standardised and maintained by ENTSO-E, pro- vides a unique identification of the market participants and other entities active within the European Internal European Energy Market. It is widely used in the Electronic Document Interchange and shall be used to identify parties and ob- jects for REMIT. ENTSOG continued to operate the LIO Office 21 throughout 2016 and ENTSOG now manage 1124 EIC codes on behalf of market participants.
In 2016, ENTSOG attended joint CIO/LIO meetings and con- tributed to the upgrading of the EIC Reference Manual.
LIO Tool Development: During 2016, we provided support and worked with other LIO Offices to make improvements to the LIO EIC Tool. This work continues in 2017 and will result in an updated tool in- corporating a new schema and bug fixes.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
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