ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
New pipelines now connect or will soon connect European countries with the Caspian and North Africa, two major producing regions whose gas will reinforce Europe’s security of supply.
Image courtesy of Fluxys
In July 2016, Ukrtransgaz informed the EC about system atic pressure drops on the border between Ukraine and Russia (see also point 5.2). In order to gain a better under- standing of the technical background and reasons for those pressure drops, additional trilateral talks were held and new elements were added to the above-mentioned daily report. The extended daily report provides a better understanding on the development of flows and pressures and as such en- ables a better assessment of the general situation.
In addition, necessary preparations were made for a possi- ble fact-finding mission including physical visits to the inter- connection points between Russia and Ukraine as well as relevant compressor stations. ENTSOG would like to mention that all trilateral talks and meetings took place on a basis of trust and good reliable communications.
Facilitation of regional cooperation with the EnC
Supporting the Contracting Parties (CPs) to the Energy Community (EnC) regarding SoS A major disruption of gas supply can not only affect all Member States, but also the Union as a whole and the CPs to the EnC . Therefore ENTSOG foresaw also the CPs to the EnC and other relevant third countries participation in the RCSG in line with the cooperation requirements mentioned in Annex IV of the existing SoS Regulation 994/2010. So far GASSCO, the Norwegian TSO as well as Ukrtransgaz from Ukraine are part of the RCSG. Workshop with the EnC and the CPs According to Article 8(3)(c) of Regulation 715/2009, ENTSOG is in charge of providing “recommendations relat- ing to the coordination of technical cooperation between Community and third-country transmission system opera- tors”. In line with this provision, ENTSOG is organizing a workshop together with the EnC Secretariat on a yearly basis for the CPs to the EnC and other relevant stakeholders. In 2016, the workshop was held on 19 October at the premis- es of the EnC Secretariat in Vienna and this time it was ded- icated to the following two main topics:
\\ Implementation of transparency requirements of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 by CPs to EnC – scope of transparency requirements within EnC and CPs
\\ Implementation of NC on INT&DE
Several points were discussed and questions asked during the workshop. In addition some of the participants contact- ed ENTSOG’s interoperability and transparency team after the workshop and ENTSOG was able to provide its expertise and recommendations on request. EC Initiative to Establish WG with EnC, ACER, EC and ENTSOG for NC Implementation In April 2016 the EC asked ACER and ENTSOG to be part of a "working group" to be set up to address the issue of imple- mentation modalities which would (in addition to ACER and ENTSOG) also consist of EnC Secretariat and the EC. The aim of the working group was to develop a proposal for an implementation plan especially for the timing and the con- tent for the NCs. Several talks as well as three physical meetings took place between the members of the WG and the CPs to the EnC.
ENTSOG Annual Report 2016 |
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