ENTSOG Annual Report 2016

System Development Area

The System Development business area covers all ENTSOG activities related to gas supply, demand and infrastructures. The main deliverables are short and medium to long-term assessments such as the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and Supply Outlooks. 2016 was marked by the development and draft publication of the TYNDP 2017 and by the support provided to Regional Groups for the 3 rd selection of Projects of Common Interest.


System Development

Investment WG

Network Modelling KG

Supply & Demand KG

Cost-Benefit Analysis KG

Editing KG


All activities within the System Development Area are managed via the Investment Working Group (INV WG) and supplemented by a number of Kernel Groups (KGs) with more specialised tasks. The INV WG is responsible for developing regulatory deliv- erables: the Union-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP), the Winter and Summer Outlooks and the update to the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) methodology. It is also responsible for deliverables that ENTSOG is developing on a voluntary basis in line with its Annual Work Program: Winter and Summer reviews, the Transmission Capacity Map and the System Development Map developed in col- laboration with GIE. The Working Group (WG) is supported in its mission by four Kernel Groups (KGs), each of which focuses on specific areas:

\\ Network Modelling Kernel Group (NeMo KG): devel- oping and enhancing ENTSOG’s modelling tool and performing the simulations for ENTSOG deliverables in accordance with defined scenarios \\ Supply & Demand Kernel Group (S&D KG) : develop- ing the supply and demand approaches for ENTSOG deliverables based on analysis of current situation and potential future trends. Particular focus is given to the analysis of data to increase understanding of supply and demand developments, identify trends and outline approaches to defining and studying future scenarios.

\\ Cost-Benefit Analysis Kernel Group (CBA KG): update of CBA methodology under the TEN-E Regulation

\\ Editing Kernel Group: TYNDP editing, maintaining the terminology used and ensuring the stylistic consistency in reports.

ENTSOG Annual Report 2016 |


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