ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
Implementation & Effect Monitoring Kernel Group
Incremental Advisory Kernel Group
The Implementation & Effect Monitoring Kernel Group is re- sponsible for the monitoring under Article 8(8) of the Regu- lation (EC) No 715/2009 of Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM NC) and the Commission Decision (2012/490/EU), known as Guidelines for Congestion Management Procedures (CMP guidelines). The IEM KG develops monitoring reports to all implementa- tion deadlines in the CAM NC and CMP guidelines as well as analysis, reports and responses to ACER’s implementa- tion monitoring, where appropriate.
The Incremental Advisory Kernel Group developed and drafted the proposal for incremental capacity, under the for- mal responsibility of the CAP WG. The INC AKG works in co- ordination with the TAR WG concerning tariffs for incremen- tal capacity.
General Terms & Conditions Kernel Group
The GT&C KG is responsible for ENTSOG’s activities relat- ed to the Regulation (EU) No 459/2017 Article 20 on Ca- pacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM NC) – the review and creation of a catalogue of the main terms and conditions of the transport contract(s) for bundled capacity products, identifying and categorising differences across member states in relation to the main terms and conditions and the reasons for such differences. The findings will be published in a report for the development of a final template for main terms and conditions.
Functionality Kernel Group
The Functionality Kernel Group focus on how to facilitate the Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAM NC), and the Commission Decision (2012/490/EU), known as Guidelines for Congestion Man- agement Procedures (CMP guidelines) to be working prop- erly in practice across borders.
The Balancing Working Group (BAL WG) is responsible for the Balancing Network Code (BAL NC). In 2016, the BAL WG focused on the implementation of BAL NC, monitoring obligations and the amendment of the Business Require- ments Specifications on Nomination and Matching (BRS
NOM & Matching). The BAL WG contains one joint Task Force with the Interoperability Working Group (INT WG) – the Common Network Operations Tools Task Force which focused on the amendment of the BRS NOM & Matching.
Tariff Data Publication Task Force
The Tariff Working Group (TAR WG) is responsible for the development of the Tariff Network Code (TAR NC) proposal. In 2016, the TAR WG focused on supporting the TAR NC through the Comitology Procedure and started preparations for the implementation of the TAR NC. The TAR WG con- tains one joint Task Force – the ‘Tariff Data Publication Task Force’ (TAR DP TF) – hosted together with the Transparen- cy Work Group (TRA WG).
The ‘Tariff Data Publication Task Force’ (TAR DP TF) was established in November 2016 comprising both TAR WG and TRA WG members and will be responsible for providing expertise, support and proposals for the activities related to the implementation of the transparency (data publication) requirements of the TAR NC. This will include the develop- ment of the standardised table for publishing tariff informa- tion directly on ENTSOG’s Transparency Platform.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2016
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