ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
Image courtesy of Creos Luxembourg S.A./ Photo: Philippe Hurlin
further developed into the Joint Functionality Process together with ACER.
the internal gas market might take longer than we perhaps wished, we strongly believe in maintaining a firm focus on making the new network codes operational and looking into the potential within existing regulations prior to in- troducing new ones. ENTSOG will need to continue building what we consider to be the DNA of the association – a respectful, pragmatic and constructive dia- logue with all involved stakeholders. This is how we can safeguard ENTSOG’s ongoing con- tribution to the Internal Energy Market.
In February 2015, the European Commission came up with a communication on the Energy Union. A number of issues called for ENTSOG to develop its internal position, including the EC communication on Energy Market Design, even though the communication was mostly on electricity. In general, ENTSOG has clearly stat- ed that the considerations on changing the regulation should await the ongoing implemen- tation and results of network codes and other initiated activities. It is a huge challenge to align operation of some 300 TSO entry/exit points all over Europe, which is requiring very focused efforts. Even if the implementation of
Jan Ingwersen General Manager, ENTSOG
ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |
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