ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
President’s Foreword
ENTSOG is in a transitional period. The past few years have been dominated by the development of gas network codes. ENTSOG and its stakeholders have experienced a high workload as a result.
All activities have been targeted at completing the Internal Energy Market. Although there is still some way to go, ENTSOG can be proud of its achieve- ments since 2010. The early involvement of all market participants has established the foundation for a trustful cooperation. It has provided a basis for a relatively smooth workflow in the comitology pro- cess and beyond. More importantly, the first few years have already shown that no more regulatory oversight of ENTSOG is needed. ENTSOG has proven to be a fair partner to all, and it has fulfilled the given tasks on time.
ENTSOG has proven to be a fair partner to all, and it has fulfilled the given tasks on time
Currently, the focus of ENTSOG’s work is changing. The implementation and refinements of network codes are on the agenda. But again, ENTSOG is counting on its well-established relationship with its stakeholders. They were supportive when the de- velopment of network codes was on the agenda and now ENTSOG will again count on their help to get the network codes implemented and finally on their way. This ongoing dialogue with all market participants will create a constructive climate for the challenges ahead. ENTSOG will have to deal with the integration of renewable energy sources. The cooperation with its counterpart in the field of electricity should create better stabilised electricity networks. And finally, the gas networks need to get ready for more flexible supply. This should be achieved by completing the internal gas market supporting efficient and prag- matic Security of Supply (SoS) activities, and allow- ing the necessary gas sources and gas routes to be connected to Europe. Our industry will intensify the efforts to support free flow of gas to the hubs aim- ing for a competitive, secure and sustainable Euro- pean gas market.
Stephan Kamphues President, ENTSOG
ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |
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