ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
System Operation BA
Interoperability WG
Technical Solutions Adop- tion & Implementation KG
Regional Coordination System for Gas KG
Business Rules KG
Gas Quality KG
IT & Communications KG
Interoperability & Data Exchange
As part of the workshop, ENTSOG demonstrated the new functionalities of the Transparency Platform through a live demo and shared the plans for its future development. ACER presented its feedback on the platform and suggest- ed improvements in some functional and data publication areas.
shop participants had the chance to receive practical advice on the RRM registration and REMIT reporting process directly from the ACER REMIT Team. During the session dedicated to the upcoming TAR NC, ENTSOG informed the audience about performed and up- coming activities relating to Network Code development as well as current discussions regarding the content of the transparency requirements in TARNC.
ENTSOG and TSOs shared their experiences and provided feedback of the REMIT implementation process. The work-
The following KGs support INTWG:
\\ Technical Solutions Adoption & Implementation (TSAIG) KG: responsible for developing the Business Requirement Specifications (BRS) part of CNOTs; required for data exchange in the implementation of already developed network codes \\ Regional Coordination System for Gas (RCSG) KG: responsible for developing proposals for a regional coordination system in case of a gas supply crisis (formerly Early Warning System – EWS)
\\ Business Rules KG: responsible for development of harmonised rules related to technical cooperation between TSOs including interconnection agreements
\\ Gas Quality (GQ) KG: responsible for issues related to gas quality specifications and odourisation practises
\\ IT & Communications (ITC) KG: responsible for issues related to streamlining communication solu- tions for data exchange
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
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