ENTSOG Annual Report 2015


ENTSOG Ninth Annual Public Transparency Workshop was held on 4 February 2016. The workshop was organised in three sessions dedi- cated to the following topics:

\\ ENTSOG Transparency Platform

\\ REMIT Implementation Process

\\ Upcoming TARIFF Network Code Requirements on Transparency

As part of the workshop, ENTSOG demonstrated the new functionalities of the Transparency Platform through a live demo and shared the plans for its future development. ACER presented its feedback on the platform and suggested improvements in some functional and data publication areas. ENTSOG and TSOs shared their experiences and provided feedback on the REMIT implementation process. The workshop participants had the chance to receive practical advice on the RRM registration and REMIT reporting process directly from the ACER REMIT Team. During the session dedicated to the upcoming TAR NC, ENTSOG in- formed the audience about performed and upcoming activities relating to Network Code development as well as current discussions regarding the content of the transparency requirements in TARNC.

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Image courtesy of Enagás S.A.

ENTSOG Annual Report 2015 |


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