ENTSOG Annual Report 2015

Image courtesy of Ontras Gastransport GmbH

Global proven gas reserves have more than doubled since 1980, reaching 190 trillion cubic me- tres at the beginning of 2010.


Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1348/2014 stipulates that the gas TSOs shall report the following disaggregated information per market participant to ACER: \\ Transaction data: natural gas transportation contracts within the Union between two or more locations or bidding zones, concluded as a result of a primary explicit capacity allocation by or on behalf of the TSO, specifying physical or financial capacity rights or obligations; \\ Fundamental data: day-ahead nominations, final re-nominations of booked capacities, specifying the identity of the market participants involved, and the allocated quantities.

In order to facilitate the TSOs REMIT implementation process, ENTSOG has established the following:

\\ Regular REMIT panels during monthly Transparency Working Group Meetings

\\ TSO REMIT Implementation Task Force group

\\ Regular discussion sessions between the ENTSOG Transparency Team, TSO REMIT Implementation Task Force and ACER REMIT Team. The aim is to provide clarity on various technical and policy questions, lead the TSOs through the RRM registration, and resolve issues related to data reporting

During 2015, ENTSOG Transparency Team and Transpar- ency Working Group participated in the following events:

The TSOs reporting obligations under REMIT commence 7 April 2016.

\\ ACER REMIT Expert Group meeting

\\ ACER REMIT Public Workshop

\\ ACER RRM Expert Group meetings

\\ ACER Public

Consultation on the Common Schema for the Disclosure of Inside Information

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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015

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