ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
Image courtesy of REN – Gasodutos, S.A.
Implementation & Monitoring Kernel Group (IM KG) The Implementation & Monitoring Kernel Group is respon- sible for implementation monitoring under Article 8(8) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAMNC) and the Commission Decision (2012/490/EU), known as Guidelines for Congestion Management Proce- dures (CMP guidelines). IM KG develops implementation monitoring reports to all implementation deadlines in the CAMNC and CMP guidelines as well as analysis, reports and responses to ACER’s implementation monitoring, where appropriate.
The Balancing Working Group (BAL WG) is responsible for the Balancing Network Code (BAL NC). In 2015, BAL WG focused on implementing BAL NC, monitoring obligations and amending the Business Requirements Specifications on Nomination and Matching. BAL WG and the Interopera- bility Working Group (INT WG) jointly steer the Common Network Operations Tools Task Force.
The Tariff Working Group (TARWG) is responsible for the ongoing development of TAR NC. In March 2015, ACER provided their Reasoned Opinion on the Draft TAR NC. TARWG developed TARNC for resubmission to ACER, tak- ing into account the Reasoned Opinion. Where required, detailed work on specific issues is carried out in the follow- ing four kernel groups:
CAM/CMP Functionality Kernel Group (FUNC KG)
The Functionality Kernel Group focuses on how to facilitate the proper cross-border implementation of Commission Regulation (EU) No 984/2013 on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms (CAMNC), Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks (BAL NC) and Commission Decision (2012/490/EU) known as Guidelines for Congestion Management Procedures (CMP guidelines). Thus, FUNC KG develops solutions on is- sues related to capacity allocation mechanisms, balancing and nomination procedures and congestion management procedures.
\\ Advisory KG
\\ CARP KG (Cost Allocation and Reference Price)
\\ ResDis KG (Reserve Prices and Discounts)
\\ TReRe KG (Transparency and Revenue Recovery)
Incremental Advisory Kernel Group (INC AKG)
The Incremental Advisory Kernel Group developed and drafted the proposal for incremental capacity, under the formal responsibility of CAP WG. INC AKG works in coordi- nation with TARWG on economic testing and tariffs for in- cremental capacity.
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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015
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