ENTSOG Annual Report 2014

System Development Area

The System Development business area covers all ENTSOG activities related to gas supply, demand and infrastructures. The main deliverables are short and medium-term assessments such as the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) and supply outlooks. In 2014, a cost-benefit analysis was adapted for selecting Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and assessing potential consequences of the Ukrainian crisis.



All activities of the System Development Busi- ness Area are managed by the Investment Working Group. The Working Group (WG) is supported in its mis- sion by four Kernel Groups (KGs), each of which focusses on specific areas: \\ Network Modelling Kernel Group (NeMo KG): development and enhance- ment of ENTSOG’s network modelling tool and performance of simulations in accord- ance with defined scenarios \\ Supply & Demand Kernel Group (S&D KG): development of supply and demand approach for ENTSGO delivera- bles based on analysis of current situation and alternative scenarios. Particular focus is given to the analysis of S&D data to increase understanding of S&D develop- ment, identify trends and outline approaches for defining and studying future scenarios. \\ Energy Infrastructure Priorities Kernel Group (EIP KG): adaptation of the Cost- Benefit Analysis methodology under the New TEN-E Regulation \\ Editing Kernel Group: TYNDP editing and maintenance of terminological and stylistic consistency between reports

General Manager

System Development

Investment WG


System Development

Investment WG

Energy Infrastructure Priorities KG

Network Modelling KG

Supply & Demand KG

Editing KG

ENTSOG Annual Report 2014 |


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