ENTSOG Annual Report 2014
Market Area
ENTSOGs Market Team is responsible for the market-related network codes that will promote the internal European gas market. In 2014 the team worked on one new code: TAR NC (Harmonised Transmission Tariff Structures for Gas) and one new amendment to the CAM NC (capacity allocation mechanisms) on incremental capacity (INC Proposal). Furthermore the team has continued to implement and monitor the codes already adopted within the market area: CAM NC (capacity allocation mechanisms), BAL NC (gas balancing) and CMP (guidelines on congestion management procedures).
The Market Area work is organised into 3 main working groups as well as a number of advisory kernel groups with more specialised tasks.
Capacity Working Group
The Capacity Working Group (CAP WG) is responsible for ENTSOG’s activities related to the allocation of existing capacity (CAM NC, REG (EU) No 984/2013) and congestion management (Guidelines on Congestion Management Procedures (CMP), Commission Decision of 24 August 2012 on amend- ing Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009).
During 2014, CAP WG implemented monitoring tasks for the CAM NC and CMP guidelines, monitored obligations and defined business requirements specifications for the CAM NC and CMP guidelines.
CAP WG also contains the three following kernel groups for detailed tasks: \\ CMP KG (Congestion Management Procedures KG)
\\ IM KG (Implementation & Monitoring KG: formerly Adjacent TSO Cooperation [ATSO KG]) \\ FUNC KG (Functionality KG formerly Capacity Products and Conditions [CPC] KG)
Incremental Advisory Kernel Group
The Incremental Advisory Kernel Group (INC AKG) has developed and drafted proposals for incre- mental capacity under the formal responsibility of the CAP WG. The work of the INC AKG is closely coordinated with the TAR WG concerning the economic test and tariffs for incremental capacity. The work of the INC AKG has been organised in 4 kernel groups: \\ AUC KG (Auctions and when to offer) \\ CBC&IP KG (Cross-border coordination and information provision) \\ ET&TI KG (Economic test and tariff issues) \\ OS KG (Open seasons) Since all of the INC AKG kernel groups successfully concluded their work, they were disbanded at the end of 2014.
ENTSOG Annual Report 2014 |
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