Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2017


Swedegas in the only gas TSO in Sweden and in June 2013 Swedegas was appoint- ed system responsible for the Swedish natural gas system. Before that, Svenska Kraftnät, a state owned authority, had that responsibility. Since 15 April 2015, Swedegas is owned by the Spanish and Belgian TSOs – Enagás and Fluxys (50% each). The Swedish natural gas system consists of five distribution areas which are owned and operated by the distributors (DSOs): E.ON Gas Sverige, Göteborgs Energi Gasnät, Kraftringen nät, Varberg Energi and Öresundskraft. The transmission grid is also connected to a smaller underground gas storage, Skallen, owned and operated by Swedegas. There are nine Gas Suppliers (GS) active on the gas market from which the end-us- ers can choose. Each GS are connected to one of the five Balance Administrators (BA) who have the financial responsibility for ensuring that the balance between gas supplied and withdrawn is maintained at the supply and offtake points covered by the BA. The DSOs and the end users directly connected to the Swedegas transmission grid book capacity in the grid. End users in the DSOs book capacity from the DSOs. Sweden only has one interconnection point, Dragør, where gas can be transferred from Denmark to Sweden. The BAs can via Shippers in Denmark book capacity at Dragør and then supply the Swedish customers. This means that there is an absence of booking procedures for capacity in Sweden between the TSO and the BAs.

Image courtesy of Swedegas

BEMIP Gas Regional Investment Plan 2017 |


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