Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2017

A total of 20% of district heat and CHP production and 6% of electricity production in Finland were fuelled by natural gas in 2015. The use of natural gas in the combined heat and power (CHP) production has been for long term the largest sector using natural gas. In the future, the biggest use of natural gas seems to be industry sector. The current structure of the natural gas consumption can be seen in the graph below:

0.2 0.1


Industry, other use Combined heat and power production Industry, combined heat & power production Production of district heat Building heating Production of condensing power Vehicles






Figure 3.19: Natural gas consumption by market sectors, 2015 (Source: Suomen Kaasuyhdistys)

Gas used in the distribution in 2015 in Finland was about 22GWh at net caloric value, equivalent to 24GWh at gross caloric value and it was mainly used in manu- facturing. The share of each category is shown below.

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Manufacturing Commercial & public services Greenhouses Households, cooking District heating Transport Apartment houses






Figure 3.20: Natural gas consumption by market sectors in distribution, 2015 (Source: Suomen Kaasuyhdistys)

Image courtesy of Gasum

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BEMIP Gas Regional Investment Plan 2017 

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