Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan GRIP 2017


The function of the natural gas market is regulated by the Natural Gas Act, where the latest version is dated October 2011. During the last couple of years, has implemented different European network codes. The latest one to be implemented was the balancing network code in October 2015. As a next step, and Swedegas (the Swedish TSO) together are working on a joint balancing model. Currently, only one network code, the CMP (Congestion Management Principle) has not been implemented. 3.1.6 OFFGRIDMARKETDEVELOPMENT INTHEAREA OF LNG AND BIOGAS The trend in Denmark is to upgrade biogas to biomethane and inject it into the natural gas system. While nearly all biogas produced in 2012 (1,200 GWh) was used offgrid for local electricity and heat production (local CHP) the biogas production in 2016 (about 2,500GWh) was disposed with 1/3 being upgraded to biomethane and injected into the gas system.

Image courtesy of Sønderjysk Biogas Bevtoft A/S

BEMIP Gas Regional Investment Plan 2017 |


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